Friday, February 12, 2010

Inner Universe

Have you felt the warmth of a fiery heart
The way she scalds all in her path
Have you stood close by and watched
As walls collapsed and bridges arose

Intentions misjudged at slightest stray,
And efforts scorned with jealous ease,
Yet unquestioned her gallant strides
She walks on…burning her path!

Feel the uproar in her ever bright eyes
Know the grandeur in her steadfast gaze
Wings spread out, horizons to span
Sparks withheld, saved for frontiers ahead

To relieve her chains, to free her qualms
She moves past the deceit and troubles
Knowing for once that love will not last
Yet close her heart keeps some Hope…

The Showers offer Change

These clouds that speak of something ominous
I wonder when they shall shower upon me
When its cold drops shall touch my face
Rolling down my cheeks,
Resting then on a dry earth.
Tumultuous the rains are, yet all remain still
The leaves do not droop with dew
The ground is still hard
The breaths of air are still lifeless
I wait for them to shower
Splatter, so that all may feel the cold and the warmth.
Shower that all may Change…
Yet they move above me,
Both hope and despair imparting.
They speak of a change, a new uprising
Their thunder is loud, but echoes do not remain.
It rains for days,
Yet none feel the drizzle.
Still many wait, to catch the first drop,
Of those Showers that offer Change…

She cries...

Tried so hard, to make sense of your wisdom.
But now it does not matter
We have gone as far as we could go.
Tired of living the roles you set down...
Tired of watching you break rules I am to follow.
Once I had nothing to say...
Now things have changed.

Have we no choice to decide,
Have we no freedom to our beliefs?
Can’t I feel my own life,
Without you telling me it’s forbidden?
Have we crossed the line too far?
That you take matters to your own court
And so guiltlessly ‘punish’ us??

You speak of ethnicity...
Yet everyday, you shove it away
With your well practiced sneers and catcalls.
If you so eagerly set examples so horrid
Why else would faith not be misunderstood?
Why wouldn’t  you be called a fanatic?
We believe in tradition that has stood the test of time,
But not in tradition that will separate you and me!

Why must you tie our wings?
While we never even fly outside the nest,
But afraid that one day we might!!
Soon, we will not stand by such atrocities,
When we are just as capable of flying...
While you remain grounded, wings broken…
Soon, more voices will emerge…
Then no strategy of yours will be enough,
To hold back discontent reborn…