Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Thousand miles to heaven…

My years of life leave me now

To sail on a ship with no anchors…

The winds are weary and mists unfriendly

Perhaps I may never reach Heavens shores...

I can’t see who rows my ship,

I can only see the mighty oars sweep

And the waters crystal clear as day

While skies above me speak of night…

I never knew when I started

Dare not remember when I left,

But the shores I did kiss goodbye

Now all I can do is reminisce

I can see my life gone by

See its colors fade away

Birth, life and death remain,

Simple as a story, left to discuss…

When my mind should be calm and sober,

I still yearn to flit and dance

I realize that life has not left me

My life refuses to leave…

I wish there was a breeze here,

A breeze drenched in winter rains...

To cool my face to sickening blue

And finally remind me of the truth.

Before I reach the shores of Life,

I have sins to repent and wounds to heal

But time is not a matter,

When I have thousand miles to sail…

While I wait in silence,

Miles away my name was calling

For sins repented and wounds healing

Heaven’s shores were calling!

In years past when youth flourished

I had dreamt of the afterlife.

Dreamt of walking through Heavens orchards,

Dreamt of golden stairs to climb…

And now I look all around, searching for your face

What use to me, Heaven’s open doors?

When universes away voices keep calling…

“Miles away, still I love you all the same…”


  1. hmmmmmmmmmm.......
    gr8 name 4 d poem..
    d double meaning plays out well...
    & wud luv 2 discuss more bout dis wit u.....
