Sunday, September 6, 2009

A fire in my heart

There was a fire in my heart

One that could burn away my fears

One that could emblazon my desires

Strong and fiery, I thought it would persevere

Then somehow in life’s jostling

My sizzling flames slowly died out

Now all that remains are cinders

So I can barely feel the warmth

I can’t believe its gone now

Extinguished like rotted heartwood

By perhaps those vanishing worries,

Or by maybe that darkness overwhelming

I still wait for it’s resurface

To scorch back my destiny’s path

For now I understand the power

Of that blistering rage of my heart

It could’ve stopped me going astray

Could’ve saved my heart from falling prey

Could’ve held my mind calm and steady

Could’ve gifted the strength to be somebody…

And today I did taste back a glimpse

Felt a searing heat in my veins

Felt the need to battle my ghosts

Felt the urge to stand my ground!!

Today I sensed a phoenix song

One that was pent up for too long…

Today I found that a fire could rekindle

Even at times of utmost wintry pain

And know I’m off to retrieve

That roasting drive to its full glory

I’ll not be looking back now

At the scalded path I’m making…


  1. Wow!
    Sreya, is this reeli u??! luks lyk med's totally changin u.. Superb! C u around smtym! :)

  2. LG it is.. :) Bak home after a long first year.. keep writing, puzzles me how u started jus b4 d xams, we wer al goin nuts, n here u r, startin a blog.. ?! very nice one too...

  3. thanx...but i did start only after my theory papers.. :)

  4. nice........

    i hope u meant wat u wrote!

    do move on &scald more....
    let it b done by ur pen though!
