So its been almost a month since i’ve been posted at ophthal. What have i learned from this one month.... well , i learnt the Malayalam word for cataract( embarrassing episode really...) and that if u strike a non functional torch against the OP walls its not likely to start functioning again...
But really,,, ophthal wasn’t too bad... i mean in the end we did manage to study sumthin and have fun in the process. But even if we had studied, there was that inevitable state of tension just before the end posting. Wats end posting? Its a mini practical exam to test the clinical abilities we’ve imbibed (or at least supposed to have imbibed by now.. J) . so today was my end posting... The only preparation i did before was to complete my record before hand( it was promptly whisked off by my unity). I mean, ya sure , i did get 3 full holidays before..... but till Sunday night i was absolutely clueless. I manage to get a functioning torch from aish by night.
So what do i do? I rush through the heavy textbook in the most grotesque manner and think of few keywords to say during the viva. .... mainly... “cataract...cortical nuclear.... refraction...opacities...iris shadow.... senile... pupillary reflex...” n so on n so forth. But by 10 in the night i realised there was a very good chance of creating a disastrous endposting.. I wondered if my unitmates had finished studying....
nah!! They’re sweet ...not despicable enough to do sumthin like study fully for ophthal...
so anyway.... i go the next day to the OP (I waited aimlessly near the ward for sumtime before i realised the exam was sumwhere else..) .... and wait for my patient. My unitys are all in equally dire straits... one of ma pals actually managed to contract conjunctivitis.... but she still had to write the exam.. :P
anyway, as we sat there in the OP awaiting cases... there was only one thing ringing in our heads.... plz cataract only..plz dileep sir only... plz...
They called in 155 N 156... ok, plz cataract plz dileep sir...
157...sreya.s .prasad? gr8 they finally pronounce my name right.. just in time to remember my face when i churn out idiotic answers. I greet my patient and sit next to her.. take in the informed consent and set a rapport yada yada while inside my head i’m rerunning the gameplan. Since diabetic eye disease was my seminar topic i happen to know it well,,, pretty much the only thing i know well. So if i direct diabetics into the viva thru this case.. i’m saved!!
So i wrote down the history... then, history of past illness... n underline. I turn to my patient an old lady wearing dark goggles(w ho i later diagnosed with cataract and aphakia)...
“Ammumma... diabetes inte azugham undo? Sugar undo?”....
“Illa mole”
Ok.. maybe she didn’t understand sugar...
“Illa mole..”
Damn..there goes my gameplan
“Kudummbathil arkenkilum sugar undo?”
“Illa” much for that ..
So i examine and re-examine and finally thank her n leave... only to realise that two sirs may take the vivA for of them really petrifies me...
Fortunately my viva wasn’t bad. Who am i joking- it was gr8! I got Dileep sir,who was more interested in our extra curricular activities...
“OH , so u go for debate...”
Memories of my debates durin interbatch flood in...
-“dude wat the hell are u sayin”
-“somebody plz tell her to stop”
-“ eh y do u participate in debate again??”.
NO NO NO! FOCUS SREYA!....immature senile cataract...aphakia....cataract...
“so whats the reason u don’t know the answer for my qn”
....because i spent time on my useless blog....because i never read the text properly.... because i can’t understand what i write in my note( i hav the worlds most beautiful handwriting..)...because...
“sir, the answer would be... refraction... in nuclear cataract...opacites...cortex...incipient iris shadow”
”oh yes,,, so u do know!! Good good..”
What can i say....thank god for keywords!!
so u found d 2 main keys 2making of a gud doctor!
ReplyDeletea)talk gibberish n use "keywords"/medical jargon so dat d layman wud undrstnd nuthn of wat u r sayin!
b)d indelible mark of a doc - handwriting (gr8ness of a doc is directly proportional to illegibleness)
superbbbbb ....... he he ....well written really.......
ReplyDeleteWo! After opthal,I'm so sure it's not my thing.. My end posting was weird to d extent of being absurd..We'd a viva in front of a full audience consisting of..HOD,(dangerous profs come in small packages),super seniors (:P) and unit (thank god we're all equally dumb)..n my seminar topic was trauma to d eye,gr8 help that does..can u believe we'd an end posting for FP!!!!
ReplyDeleteend posting for FP!! i don't think most of my friends even went for FP postin