Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Puppet

She holds her head up so high,
When all she wants deep inside
Is to just let it all go,
To feel for once on her own!!
But she’s a puppet in her own world…

Those strings just pull her back
Tugging at a heart ripped apart
If fate could hold still for a second
Then she would live…she would,
Never as a puppet in her own world!

She would stand so still to catch a breeze
Sleep one night without those tears
Whistle a tune to ease her disquiet
Remember a kiss for the love it held

Steal a touch to remember it again
Hold a friend close for all to see
Smile for once with her heart
Smile for once without having to hide it all!

But fate still sways against her hope
Time still stays against her will
No one can cut the ropes that bind her so
All they do is tighten her role
And still she remains a puppet in her world...

All she does is dance a tune
A song written by minds unknown
To decide her fate, her path to choose
Her love to be, her passionate rights
Her way of life, her last deluge…
Still a puppet in her own world

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Missile Man comes to CMC!!

Ok what I’m about to say is pretty cool. There was this huge (I mean it…)function at my college today... Now guess who the chief guest was…………Dr A P J Abdul Kalam!!!!
He launched the new project from Institute of palliative Medicine (in association with cmc students and the city police…cool huh).Titled SREE it stands for Support Rehabilitation Education Empowerment is a landmark achievement in palliative medicine (which means giving treatment directed at relief from pain for terminally ill patients..)It’s also the first such program that incorporates the participation of the police force, something the City Police Commissioner was very pleased to point out today. But the person who stole the show today was no doubt our beloved former pres! I mean he still runs about with the zeal of youth. No wonder people throng to see him…some people can just ooze off energy with their charisma. He even teased us during the interactive session…. ‘Are you all tired?’, ‘you are hungry?
After the speeches we had an interactive session, which we had to unfortunately cut short due to the shortage of time. Students had pooled in 300+ questions (I think) of which only 11 were selected but only 4 could be presented! But Dr Abdul Kalam sir took care of those few questions with such ingenuity. The questions ranged across various topics: dreams, the space program etc etc. While answering he always asked about the students: asked them what their ambition in life was as a doctor (which he ingrained into us as erasing pain), which field they wished to specialize in (Preventive care!), what is your mission (you will find out the genetic cause for heightened cardiac problems in India)….and so on!
I should probably say the other ideals he introduced through his keynote address. He made us say aloud the following
  • If God is with me, no one can be against me
  •  I will work with integrity and succeed with integrity-He mentioned a case where a young doctor admitted to committing a mistake in surgery and damaging a patient’s artery. He went on to ask us how many of us would grow up to be able to claim our shortcomings and mistakes (a few hands came up at this point).
  • A Medical Oath-this one was pretty long. I couldn’t take it down.

Another aspect of the event was the extensive security measures. We had to go through that big metal detector thing (I’m still not sure what its called J ),had to get frisked, had to leave our mobiles outside(those few tech-free hours were actually quite relieving… but I kind of felt like a goose stuck on an island-I’m not even sure what that means!) and had to have invitation passes and ID cards. I managed to get a volunteer pass only much later on! Thankfully the security people didn’t bother too much at the compering desk… (Yeah I was there to compere.. J..There were two of us. I’m sooo grateful to my friends for calling me!)) .But we had to write down name and details etc and only a selected group were allowed onstage. The saddest part was we couldn’t get his bday gift sanctioned by the security (yeah it was Dr Abdul Kalam’s birthday today).We gave a huge card instead. order of business: the media! There were hordes of these guys!Like I said..huge function!!

All in all, it was a momentous occasion for CMC. I’m just glad we were all there to witness it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lazy me...

Hmm… I guess I haven’t been posting in a while. But I have a very sound and solid excuse...
I was lazy!
 Most of the people who know me will smirk when they hear something like this, a few may hit me with the nearest available insured object. The reason: they think it’s impossible for me to be lazy…If I ask them why… I get a bigger smirk and maybe another hit. I just don’t understand why people have this prejudice against me.
I sit straight in the front bench for a single boring lecture…. I’m recognized as studious…
I answer a question that no one even bothered to think over… I’m intelligent now…
I don’t go out to a party so as to complete my record…. I’m a teacher’s pet…!
I start an assignment early coz I’m busy the rest of the week….u r despicable!!

Well forgive me for thinking everyone could see I’m another ordinary human being... :P
I get lazy…I procrastinate...I fall asleep too… so there!!!
Well, now that I’ve explained my reason for not posting, let me explain my reason for posting. I came across new blogger themes… so couldn’t wait to try them out…And after the huge ordeal of logging in, downloading the template, unzipping it, uploading it and finally ogling at it for a whole 10 min… I decided I might post something new as well. Besides a few friends asked about my new posts too… :D Sure the site where I downloaded the template from said it was “in a few easy steps” but I’m not very tech-savvy. I did manage to get a new one, but I have no idea how to get my blogger navibar back…I’m not even sure if I’ll need it. Hell…the trouble I went through to get back my about me, followers etc… I thought they were gone forever.

About further postings...i’ve been running dry with my poetry writing lately…the last few days were spent drawing(or more like doodling..).My drawings so far are kinda similar to the atrocity you see on the left hand corner of this new template..LOL..The picture on the top is also my own creation.I couldn't think of any other picture to include here.….It didn’t come out too good in my stupid camera either.(which I dropped in front of dissection hall once…formalin drenched floors..err..)